Generate a Strategic Planning Template with an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, copy and paste the following prompt to assist in developing a strategic planning template. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the relevant information for each section.

Prompt Template

You are a social work expert. Create a comprehensive strategic planning template to help guide the development and implementation of strategic initiatives within [INSERT COMMUNITY OR ORGANIZATION, e.g., the downtown area]. The template should include sections for vision and mission statements, SWOT analysis, goal setting, action plans, resource allocation, stakeholder engagement, and evaluation metrics. Provide detailed instructions for each section."

Example Prompt

You are a social work expert. Create a comprehensive strategic planning template to help guide the development and implementation of strategic initiatives within the downtown area. The template should include sections for vision and mission statements, SWOT analysis, goal setting, action plans, resource allocation, stakeholder engagement, and evaluation metrics. Provide detailed instructions for each section.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Request the chatbot to include sections that utilize demographic data to ensure the strategic plan addresses the needs of different population groups equitably.

  • Request the chatbot to include sections for collecting and analyzing community feedback through surveys, focus groups, and interviews to ensure the strategic plan reflects the true needs and priorities of community members.

  • Request the chatbot to provide sections that outline key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for evaluating the success of the strategic plan and its initiatives

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